MOVIE TRAILERS! Knight and Day, Cop Out and Repo Men!

It was a good Christmas break- so I know I’m a bit behind on the trailer front- but I’m catching up!

Knight and Day 2010

Let me start with Knight and Day I spotted two very wrong things with this trailer right when it started… Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz- now don’t get me wrong, I like Tommy boy quite a lot of his movies- ” target=”blank”>he can act when he wants to… but what I don’t see is him and Cameron Diaz having ANY sort of Chemistry what…so…ever. This is something very… very… very apparent from the trailer. Although, Tom Cruise did deliver a line that, despite myself, I laughed audibly at the first time I saw this- its in the Diner scene (which is mostly attributed to the writing)… as opposed to the “gag” they showed us of Diaz’s at the end of the trailer that actually made me angry from how… not… funny it was… I dunno.

As for predictions to story- they don’t give a lot away… so if I can glean anything from it- from the SECOND I saw tom cruise’s character I said “He’s a badguy” which *SPOILER* by the end of the trailer we can assess he’s some sort of rogue agent bent on overthrowing corrupt government… so he’s not the antagonist… just a ‘badguy’. How he is- is something the trailer cutters wisely left out of the trailer… which, I am thankful for- to many trailers give away too too too much of the story, making it feel not worth seeing, anyway- enough of that tangent- I can also say that from how charming Cruise’s character comes across that there will be something very sinister or seedy to come up near the climax of the film causing her to question her(and the audience) to question trusting him… if we’re lucky- he actually DOES turn out to be the antagonist- that’d be a good twist!

Cheap thrills- cheap laughs- expensive payrolls and FX, Knight and Day looks like its going to be perfect, for a cheap date.

Cop Out 2010

Cop Out starring Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan and Sean William Scott. Think that’s enough to form a judgement? most people would… and although this movie looks EXACTLY like Lethal Weapon 2, just… reverse the character types… no really… watch the Lethal Weapon 2 trailer… Oh, I also quite hate the title. But what can we do!?

Anyway- even though it looks quite rip-off-ish, it also looks like it could be worth some good laughs and a good movie for a guys night out… I’m a huge Bruce Willis fan, Tracy Morgan can always make me laugh and I mean, when is the last time they made a decent buddy cop film since K-9??

Repo Men 2010

This here is the REDBAND TRAILER of Repo Men (I’m using the Movie-List link, so you don’t have to go through all that pesky saying your age business)

Okay, Okay, ALRIGHT! I know what you’re thinking… wasn’t there already a musical made with this exact same concept? Ya… No- there was! Repo: The Genetic Opera! and to be perfectly honest- I thought there wasn’t more anyone could do with the concept besides a cult-phenom rock opera reminiscent of Rocky Horror. But I was wrong… Somebody took the concept and gave us an action film starring Forest Whitaker and Jude Law (which, I may add is really coming into his own… loved him in Holmes) As for the the trailer- its gory, it has nudity and its down right full of everything that is going to happen in the film… apparently the film makers REALLY wanted us to know that this was NOT a musical… and can you blame them?