Vampire Diaries: Bad Moon Rising

Well, if you couldn’t tell by the title, last night’s Vampire Diaries revealed that yes, Virginia, there is a werewolf.

I guessed as much in my review last week.  SHOCKING.  Must all vampires battle with werewolves?  I guess the whole Twilight Edward vs. Jacob plotline makes vamps vs. wolves a bit tired.  At least it wasn’t a primary plotline in Buffy the Vampire Slayer when beloved musician Oz turned all hairy during a full moon. 

Man, I miss Buffy.  Best show on TV ever.  But I digress.

Back to Mystic Falls.  So yes, the affluent Lockwoods also happen to have werewolf blood running through their veins.  Tyler’s uncle-who-came-out-of-nowhere-to-reveal-this-plot finally shows off some fur when the full moon rises. 

Meanwhile, vampire-hating Bonnie helps out her old friend Caroline (who lets us know she’s a vampire by wearing WAY too much eye makeup) by spelling a ring that lets her out in the sunlight.  Jewelry plays a big part in this show, doesn’t it?  I want a magical mystery ring, too, damnit!  Oh, well.

Alaric, Damon, and Elena decide to visit Isobel’s university office (road trip!) to see if she had uncovered any information on werewolves.  Damon says it’s all a bit too Lon Chaney for him, but they discover that werewolves do in fact exist.  Not only that, but they are vampires’ mortal enemies (cue dramatic music).  A wolf bite is fatal to vampires.

Once she can safely venture out into daylight, Stefan takes “insecure, neurotic, control freak on crack” Caroline out hunting for cuddly bunnies to feast upon, and then they join Tyler’s party.  This is where Caroline acts annoying, Matt gets mad at her, they make up, and then she starts sucking on his neck.  But not in a good mmmm that is so hot, let me take you now kind of way.  More like, yum, that artery is just pulsing with blood, let me kill you kind of way.  Their, um, “makeout” session is interrupted by Stefan, who is interrupted by Jacob Black Tyler’s uncle.  Tyler saves Caroline when the wolf leaps at her, and he soon discovers his naked uncle in the woods.  AWKWARD.  And the family secret is out. 

Damon continues to try to get back in Elena’s good graces, but he finally admits to her that he didn’t know Jeremy was wearing the immortality ring when he snapped his neck.  Elena understandably is upset and tells Damon they are not friends.  Damon figures out that she knew all along that she wouldn’t forgive him, and that she and Katherine “have a lot more in common than just [their] looks.”     

And next week’s episode assures us that Elena and her doppelganger will have plenty of screen time together.  Stay tuned.