UPDATE: Spider-Man Fights Cancer

A while back we told you about Austin, a young boy diagnosed with APML (Acute Promyelocytic Mylogenous Leukemia) who, along with Spider-Man, bravely battles his cancer everyday.

Well, according to the daily blog on Austin’s site, there is some great news:

Today may just be the most significant day in Austin’s battle against leukemia! November 11th potential marks Austin’s final day of Chemotherapy granted he stays in Complete Remission and achieves Molecular Remission and stays that way for the next 5 years. God willing, Austin will be considered “cured” November 11th 2013.

Yes, Austin will continue to take ATRA (Technically an Oral Chemotherapy) a small pill that Austin takes every morning and night for the next year but the side effects are almost nothing compared to those treatments which I have deemed the “harsh” chemos. (See Chemotherapy for more details on ATRA) Before Austin could begin his treatments he underwent a procedure known as a bone marrow aspirate, many people get this confused with a bone marrow biopsy. The main difference is in an aspirate the goal is to retrieve the liquid form of bone marrow (and bone marrow ONLY) from the center of one of the major bone marrow producing bones, usually the hip. In a bone marrow biopsy the main purpose is to retrieve an actual solid piece of the bone.

Another bonus of the day was they pulled out Austin’s NG Feeding tube while he was under. The strategy behind this is the dietitians think he will begin eating better if he is not getting his NG feeds. It makes sense, don’t fill him up and he will get hungry and start eating more normally. We shall just have to wait and see.

Too often we hear about the tragic ends to these stories and this is absolutely amazing that Austin has come so far. This kid has endured more than any one of us will probably have to in our entire lives, and obviously more than any 4 year old boy should, and yet there are still pictures of him smiling on his website; that is truly inspiring.

I know all of us here at BSR! have been pulling for Austin and are delighted to hear this great news. Our thoughts and wishes go out to Austin, his friends, family, and angels, and we wish you all the best, 2013 will be here before you know it!