Star Wars Books Come to eReaders

Lucasfilm and Random House announced today that on June 28th, all 106 titles in the Star Wars expanded universe will available for digital download on eReaders.

This is huge news both for Star Wars fans and the world of digital publishing. And Lucasfilm has always been late to the game as far as formats go. How many years was it before the movies were released on VHS after the advent of it? DVD? Blu-ray?

This is a major step.

From USA Today’s article:

All Star Wars e-books will come with bonus content including additional excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books, an updated Star Wars novels timeline and an introduction to the six major Star Wars eras: The Old Republic, Rise of the Empire, Rebellion, The New Republic, New Jedi Order and Legacy.

And since this release is pretty close to the release of my book, I hope you can squeeze it in before all of these come out.