Big Shiny Robot! and City Weekly Join Forces

As most of you are aware, Big Shiny Robot! won the Salt Lake City Weekly readers choice award for Best Blog this year. Our news site is home to a lot of the most up-to-date and compelling geek news to be had in Utah (and for most of you, the entire country or world).

City Weekly decided to offer us a weekly column in their alt-weekly and on the Internet and we accepted gratefully.

Today, our second article went live. We’ll be bringing you news, opinion, and analysis each week from the pages of this fine publication. And to those of you who are new to Big Shiny Robot! and are coming here because of City Weekly, welcome. We hope we don’t disappoint.

To start, we’ve already published two columns over there.

The first is my introduction and my take on the Barbara Gordon/Batgirl controversey.

The second, which was published today, is my take on the WiiU and why I think Nintendo might be the biggest innovator in the gaming industry today. It’s been subject to a pretty healthy back and forth and I’d love to hear your comments on it.

I hope that if you’re in the Salt Lake City area, you’ll be picking up City Weekly each week and look for your printed dose of Big Shiny Robot! And if you’re outside of Utah, I hope you’ll keep an eye on the twitter and facebook feeds and check out the articles as they appear online.

In either case, we aim to misbehave.