Netflix Pick of the Week

We’re starting a new weekly column here today. Every Friday a different robot will give you a different suggestion about what you should be watching on Netflix. Our picks will all be available on instant streaming.

For our inaguraual pick, I’m going to set you up on what might be the best of the Star Trek series: Deep Space Nine.

It was just added in the last week or so to Instant Streaming and it’s worth checking out all over again from the beginning.

I’m only one episode in and I’m hooked already.

For those on the fence on it, let me ask you: Did you like Battlestar Galactica? If so, did you know that Ron Moore, the driving creative force behind Battlestar Galactica was the supervising producer on Deep Space Nine starting with the first episode of Season 3?

Many complained at the time that Deep Space Nine wasn’t the same as the other Star Trek series and they were right. Unlike the others, who follow an “adventure of the week” pattern, DS9 is linear. Actions from one episode have consequences in the next and so on. Sisko explains it beautifully in the pilot episode to an entity that doesn’t understand the concept of linear time. It was almost as if they were preparing us for what was to come.

For those fans of Battlestar, this is a show to get into that will help you with that desire to see more of it.

Every single episode is up on Netflix. You owe it to yourself to check it out. If you find yourself checking out in the first two seasons, just skip to the first episode of the third season, though I wouldn’t recommend it. If that’s the only way to get you to keep watching, I guess it’s unavoidable.

As I go through the show, I’ll write periodical reports about highlights, but take my word for it: It’s dynamite.