The Wizeguy: The Nextest Part One

If you’ve been to the theater recently you may have noticed that there are an unusual amount of apocalyptic/end-of-the-world themed movies coming out in 2013. It is like one never-ending trailer.

Going to call it now, this will be the year of “Let’s just forget this year ever happened. Yes, the entire year, never happened. Any thing that might have had happened in 2013 never did, and you’ll just have to re-do what ever you wanted to do in 2014.”

Just kidding, who let this buzz kill in 2013? The next 364 days are going to rule and here’s why:

My picks for the BEST movies!

An original Sci-Fi ‘class warfare’ story written and directed by Neill Blomkamp gets my number one spot. Is it just me, or do some of the elements of the movie line up with ‘Mobile Suit: Gundam SEED’? with the tension between genetically enhanced “coordinators” in space and regular humans and all? Anyways, re watch ‘District 9’ sometime before this one comes out as a reminder of how good Blomkamp is. This one has AWESOME written all over it; we need a trailer STAT. (August)
Enders Game
I just got around to reading this book in 2012, crazy right? If you haven’t checked it yet the novel, ‘Enders Game’ is set in a disarmingly straight forward sci-fi setting: a near future earth threatened by a hostile alien species with superior technology that seems determined to destroy the human race. E.G. centers on a young boy who is drafted into an all-consuming military training program at the age of six. The program he’s inducted into seeks to forge a new generation of military commanders out of gifted children, and its sole purpose is to break them at any cost, until they finally discover someone who can’t be broken. Asa Butterfield was great in ‘HUGO’, high hopes for this one. (November)
Pacific Rim
Which came first, the giant monster crisis OR a giant battle suit industry just waiting for this opportunity to fight giant monsters? Does it even matter? I’m hoping that Del Toro doesn’t go all nuts with the shaky cam and/or blur effects. I want to see the glorious mecha on monster brutality. In the trailer, the robot’s arm has a jet engine attached at the elbow, in order to provide bigger punches. SUPER punches. ROCKET POWERED giant robot super punches. It makes me all smiley and giddy. (July)
The World’s End
Like Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, The World’s End is a collab co-written by Pegg and Edgar Wright. Pegg plays Gary King, a 40 year old man, pining over his teenage years. He drags his reluctant mates to their hometown in attempt to conquer an epic pub crawl, which will land them at the pub by the name ‘The Worlds End’. I’m not quite sure how and when it happens but it sounds like the future of humankind rests on their shoulders. Cheers! Edgar Wright owns. (October)
Described as an enigmatic contemporary noir heist movie, ‘Trance’, sounds more like a low-risk version of “The Cell’ OR a like a poor mans ‘Inception’…which is pretty exciting because if anyone can do a good ‘Inception’ knock-off It would be Danny Boyle. Rosario Dawson stars as a hypnotherapist, who has to coax the location of a missing painting out of the mind of James McAvoy. However, Boyle notes that the film isn’t a ‘straightforward’ thriller. Does it get all ‘Zombie-ish’ at the end like ‘Sunshine’? (March)

Other’s the I will mos def check out:
OZ The Great And Powerful (March)
The Evil Dead (April)
Star Trek Into Darkness (May)
Iron Man 3 (May)
Monsters U (June)
Kick Ass 2 (July)
The Hunger Games Catching Fire (November)
The Hobbit 2 (December)