MSN Messenger Receives Death Sentence

In an email to MSN users a few days ago Microsoft officially announced the demise of MSN (or Live Messenger as it is formally called.) The announcement came as a shock to me until I began to read the numbers. Users of MSN have dropped 48% year-over-year and is costing Microsoft a pretty penny to keep running. Their newly acquired Skype on the other hand is growing in user base exponentially, and will of course be the new Microsoft provided messaging client once the shutdown in March happens. I’m trying to hold back the tears as I think of hours of conversation with friends via MSN to keep my sanity intact during my dreaded philosophy lectures, or that horrible micro-economics class. In a world before Facebook Messenger, SKype, and Google Talk, MSN kept me connected to my friends throughout the day while holding me in its warm silver and blue embrace. Hopefully I can transition to Skype easily, but it may never be the same.