STAR WARS VII: Billy Dee Williams Asked to Return

Billy Dee Williams is out on the convention circuit and naturally the subject of Episode VII came up. Williams told a reader of Film Buff Online that he had indeed been asked but had not yet decided if he was going to take the part.

I actually interviewed his son, Corey Dee Williams, over the weekend about his part in Return of the Jedi for a print publication and this very question came up. He seemed to think that his father would jump at the chance to play Lando again if asked, but had no inside information about it beyond knowing his father. The love for the role shared by father and son was apparent, though.

At 76, Billy Dee Williams would be the oldest returning cast member of the classic trilogy. It’s possible he’s wary of what someone of his age might have to do in the film. But if JJ Abrams wants him and it makes sense, I really can’t see him turning it down. If Abrams does want him, it’s for a reason and we’re all going to eat it up.

Episode VII is still on track for a 2015 release. No word on when filming begins. It’s being written by Michael Arndt and directed by JJ Abrams.

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