GAME OF THRONES: Mark Gatiss Cast for Season Four

In my hardened old age there are few things that make me giddy with nerdery, that cause me to bounce in my seat and flail about like a child. This is one of those things (PS so was “Pacific Rim” for god’s sake just go see it).

Mark Gatiss’s face might be only (in)famous to BBC Sherlock nerds, but his face has appeared in the highest order of British nerdery: Doctor Who, Being Human, The League of Gentleman, and even my favorite – Spaced. He’s also got mad writing credit, including some of those show just listed.

Gatiss’s role hasn’t been announced yet, but most sites already seem to be speculating that we’ve gotten our Mace Tyrell. Mace, without giving too much away, is father to Maergery and Loras and son to Lady Olenna. He’s also head of one of the only families in the realm that can give a Lannister a run for the money. Fun!