DiCaprio Joining Robotech Movie?

Buried in the Latino Review Star Wars casting report was the news that Leonardo DiCaprio was in talks to join the newest Star Wars movie.

That would have been amazing.

DiCaprio is an incredible talent and I’ve been hoping we could get him into the saga for a long time now.

But, according to Latino Review, he turned it down. For the live action Robotech film.

Which is just as amazing to me.

He’s at the right age that he would make a perfect Roy Focker, to be honest, I don’t think there’s anyone else on the show he could play if they were doing first generation. I will say though, I interviewed many of the Robotech guys at Comic-Con (listen to my interview with Tommy Yune here) and they said it was too early to discuss what was going on and which generation would be making it to the big screen.

They did confirm this report about who would be directing, though, and they did say that Lawrence Kasdan has worked on the screenplay, which makes me so happy it’s sick.

So what say you? Could you see DiCaprio as Roy Focker? If not, who could you see him playing?