BREAKING: Meet Your New Batman…

Variety just broke the news…


Yup. Ben Affleck. Or as he has already come to be known in my social circles, Batfleck. I gotta tell you, I kind of love it.

A note from Swank-mo-tron: I couldn’t be more delighted about this news. Everyone forgets that Affleck has already turned in a hell of a performance as Superman/George Reeves in Hollywoodland, he’s a fantastic actor and director. They’ve officially made me interested in this movie.

Maybe Affleck being in Superman’s costume is the reason Superman’s pissed enough to require a “versus” in the title.

From the official Warner Brother’s release:

“Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne,” [Zack] Snyder said in a statement. “I can’t wait to work with him.”