THE WIZEGUY: Write Your Own

Fast & Furious actress Gal Gadot has been cast as Wonder Woman in Batman vs. Superman (coming in 2015) and with this news the internet reacted as I had an inkling it would.

First things first, I wouldn’t call Gal Gadot a ‘No Name” actress. She was a major character in the last THREE Fast & Furious movies, which were huge hits in their respective years. Say what you will about the movies, but everyone who saw them (which was quite a large number of people) knows exactly who she is. Gisele was easily the most memorable character outside the leads. Gadot has experience doing action and can sell it but arguably doesn’t resemble what most people probably think of Wonder Woman’s body type.

Of course she doesn’t look like Wonder Woman now, but it’s a given that she will be supplied a trainer, or a team of trainers and be put on a diet and regimen that will make her look more Amazonian, just like EVERY other actor that has been cast as an action/super hero in the past. I would imagine she will probably be hitting the gym and slurping down protein drinks like crazy to prep for the role. I mean, Chris Hemsworth is a GD physical chameleon. Please tell me there were at least several years between skinny Chris and Thor Chris. Google those before/after pictures if you need proof.

I love how people are willing to suspend disbelief about an island nation of magical Amazonian warriors but then suddenly go all “but…physics!” when a female is cast who doesn’t meet their personal bicep to waist ratio.

Just like when Affleck was cast…we know nothing about the movie and who, apart from names, these characters will be in storyline form. I realize that nerd nitpicking is a fun activity, yet “I imagine Wonder Woman to look like Gina Carano!” isn’t really a persuasive argument as to how or why Snyder cast anyone. With the resources they have for a superhero movie they can get the best of the ‘unknowns’ so there’s a good chance of a strong performance to stack upon the lowered expectations. I don’t think the problem will be with the actress chosen to play Wonder Woman but with the film they’ve chosen to debut the character in.

However, Let’s all keep up with the static hiss. People bitch if it is no name. People bitch if it is big name. People just bitch.

What happened to the good old days of movie-comes-out, if-movie-is-good-we-all-love-it, if-movie-is-bad-we-all-bitch-about-it? But all this complaining before the movie is even made? It’s nuts.

Not that I’m immune from it, or holier-than-thou…I am agonizing over the next Star Wars movie. So I realize this is a bit of the pot calling the kettle black. But maybe if we can give ourselves a quota, of maybe one movie, instead of bitching about every little thing that comes along, we can get the whole shebang to quiet down.

And just to keep things in perspective, Gadot spent two years in the Israeli army. She was a damned fitness instructor for the Israeli soldiers. To paraphrase Han Solo, “She’s tough enough for you, old man.”


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