COMICS: The Private Eye #5 Available Now!

The Private Eye issue 5 is available now for digital download at Panel Syndicates site. The book remains to be pay what you like and comes out on a schedule that is based on anybody’s guess. I wish this book would have come out yesterday so I could have included it in this weeks 5 and 3 because I can already tell you it’s my number one favorite thing in comics this week. I like to believe that the team works their tail’s off to bring the people a wonderful story in several different languages, but primarily English and Spanish.

The Private Eye is set in the near future where a private eye cleverly named PI has been hired to dig up dirt on his client. The world of the future had a great flood when the clouds of data were breached and everyone’s private information was made available to everyone. Browser history, Facebook stalking, private selfies and those mean conversations you never wanted that certain person to know about were all made available to everyone. This future loves it’s privacy and the lovely female client of PI wants to make sure her privacy is secure. Well, a little murder and some mystery later and PI is wanted by the press. The press of the future has replaced the police and taking a picture of someone without their permission can land you in prison. This issue picks up after an amazing car chase in issue 4. Did PI, his client and his teenage get away driver survive the wreck? I’m excited to find out.

If you haven’t given this book a try yet, you can always download it for free and then throw them a few bones later. If it isn’t the price that has you shy, and it’s the digital world that you fear, the book is offered in PDF, CBR and CBZ format. That means you can check it out as a PDF and jump into the world of digitcal comics without needing a tablet or a fancy comic book reading program. You can find more information about Panel Syndicate by following them on Facebook and on Twitter.

Panel Syndicate Issue 5 Cover