GAMING: PlayStation Now Is Coming

Photo Via – PlayStation Blog

PlayStation Now is putting use to Gaikai’s technology that Sony purchased early last year.  CES 2014 is the platform with which they announced the existence of their new gaming service, “PlayStation Now”.

This service gives gamers instant access to Sony’s wide array of titles from previous and current generations via cloud streaming. The service will be available through PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and other devices starting with Sony Bravia TVs. Though details are still scarce, the service is entering beta later this month and should hopefully launch by the end of Summer 2014. According to the PlayStation Blog, titles will be available for rent, or you will be able to pay a subscription fee to “explore a wider range of titles”. Maybe that fee could be an enhancement to PS+, so gamers would have the option of being members of PS+, or PS++!