PREVIEW: Blade of the Warrior: Kshatriya #1


Arse-bot here with a ‘sorta-preview’ of Virgin ComicsBlade of the Warrior: Kshatriya #1. It is actually on shelves as of today (August 13th) so be sure to check it out if this looks like your cup of joe!

“An exiled prince, whose kingdom was stolen by his demonic brother, returns for revenge in this epic sword-and-sorcery tale of bravery, retribution and family war set in a mysterious eastern kingdom.  Torn between vengeance and honor, and forced to survive only with his wits and the mystic black blade he wields more fiercely than any man, Kshatriya’s (shut-ree-yuh) path is paved with blood on his journey to becoming the greatest warrior the world has ever known.”
