It was hard to whittle down the winning entries from our Alan Moore DVD contest to just two, but we managed.  The contest was simple: What literary character would you like to see in a future iteration of Alan Moore’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

So, without further ado, here are the two winning entries:

The first is from Ms. Erin Kubinek of Wisconsin:

My Top Choice would Be Zelig, from the 1983 Woody Allen film. I have read in interviews that Moore sees the comic assembling characters from different media as they become popular. So That is the logic of my choice of the character.

My second choice is Nancy Drew. I would LOVE to see Moore skank her out a bit.

(admit it – you have a smirk on your face just thinking about it)

The second is from Mr. David Gaffney of Victoria, British Columbia:

I think a cool League book would be a sci-fi spectacular taking place during the 60’s and pull in a bunch of characters from the big novels of that time period. Valentine Michael Smith, the main character of Stranger in Strange land would be an awesome lead. Billy Pilgrim from the Slaughterhouse Five would also fit well into the story and could add a time travel element into it.

You could bring a lot of themes and concepts from the sci-fi of the era into it; I think it could work quite nicely.

And we had a runner-up.  And, though I’m sorry we don’t have a prize for him, his entry was quite funny and it comes from Garrett Smith from Filmadelphia:

Well, it couldn’t be Sherlock Holmes or Dracula, as they were dead during the events of the book, although I suppose I could write some really crafty explanation as to how they were able to join the league (vampires are immortal, afterall), but instead I present you with Jesus Christ.  Easily the most famous character from THE single most popular book ever written, and how much of an asset would that guy be to the league?  People don’t like what they have to say or how they handle business, take it up with the J-man.  Kinda gonna have to go with him on that issue.  I mean what better hero than Gods son?  He could use his own crucifiction nails as weapons, maybe fire em out of his wrists like Spider-man.  And the rationale for being around during that time period could be that the second coming actually occurs, and he joins the league to help make sure all the souls make it safely back to heaven in the wake of the coming apocolypse.

I want to thank everyone who participated in the contest and would like to remind everyone to check back tomorrow for our interview with the Director of the film, Dez VylenZ, whom Swank-mo-tron had the pleasure of speaking with by phone from London.