Kevin Conroy Asks You to Use Your Head in the Voting Booth

Gotham is the quintessential dark and seedy city. Residents find themselves locked between politicians and officials they feel perhaps they can’t trust on one end and on the other, a gallery of certifiably insane villains. During this election season, more than perhaps any other, Gotham seems a fictional allegory for a very real situation.

Citizens of these United Gotham States are faced with an uncomfortable choice, to maintain the status quo or to elect The Joker. Who better to offer a guiding light in these dark times than Batman himself, Kevin Conroy.

While here at Big Shiny Robot we rarely take political sides and will never tell you where to cast your vote, this intersection of comics and reality spoke to us and we thought it was worth sharing. When, in November, blackest night finally falls upon our fair nation, take at least these few thoughts from Conroy, ensure that you vote and please use your head. 

Cassidy Ward is a internet writer and author. His short story “The Staircase” is available now on Amazon.