Pokémon X & Y Are Out Now

To celebrate the relase of Pokémon X & Y Nintendo has released a live-action launch trailer:

I haven’t played a Pokémon game properly since “FIre Red” and “Leaf Green”, with “Yellow” and “Red” before that. “X” & “Y” are the first Pokémon games to come to the 3DS. As you can imagine, this is a big deal. I knew I wanted to play as soon as possible but didn’t want to hit a midnight release event. I decided to go with the digital download version which I had heard releases at 12 EST. That’s 2 hours early for me. I upgraded to an 8GB SDHC and painlessly copied all my data over. The games hit the store and the rush to download began. The store had several issues and I had to restart or enter my credit card details several times before it’d take but then the download finally started. It took just under an hour, not bad for 1.7GB of data. I went with “Y”, mostly because the majorify of people I’ve seen are choosing “X”, and I liked the cover art.

By the time I started playing it was nearly midnight and I was very tired. I was able to choose my starter Pokémon then play about an hour into the game. I chose Froakie. He evolves into a frog ninja, it was the obvious choice. So far the game is pulling at my nostalgia hard. So much has changed since I played Red back in 8th grade, yet it’s still very much the same. The jump to a 3D world is amazing and beatufiul so far. Battles are awesome with awesome animations, cheery sounds, and great looking Pokémon models.

Do you have a copy yet? Regardless of how you answered, why are you still reading this? I only stopped to write this post. Get playing or go find a copy in stores or on the 3DS eShop, “Pokémon X & Y” are out not worldwide.